Financial Year: 2019/20Publication Type : BriefDocument(s) Descriptions: BUDGET MONITORING AND ACCOUNTABILITY UNIT BRIEFS Date: Monday, November 4, 2019Download: BMAU G-E Policy Brief 1-19 - To What Extent Have Gender and Equity Issues been addressed in Agricultural Programmes.pdf BMAU G-E Policy Brief 2-19 -Scaling up Gender Responsiveness in Public Procurement - A tool to enabling inclusive growth.pdf BMAU G-E Policy Brief 3-19 - Key Bottlenecks to Gender Mainstreaming in the Education Sector.pdf BMAU G-E Policy Brief 4-19-Ensuring equitable access to education for children with special needs. What were the achievements in FY 2018-19.pdf BMAU G-E Policy Brief 5-19-Gender and Equity Responsiveness in the Ministry of Public Service. What were the interventions for FY 2018-19.pdf