Financial Year: 2016/17Type: Circulars and InstructionsDocument(s) Descriptions: Budget Execution Circular for Financial Year 2016/17 Date: Friday, July 1, 2016Download: Budget Execution Circular FY 2016.17.pdf Annex 1 Annual Cashflow Plan.pdf Annex 2 Release Cycle.pdf Annex 3 PIMS Framework.pdf Annex 4 Bid Currency Letter.pdf Annex 5 H.E letter Procurement of Locally Manufactured Textiles.pdf Annex 6a MDAs connected to NBI.pdf Annex 6b MDAs to be Connected to the NBI.pdf Annex 7 Consolidation of Funds for ICT Services Under NITA-U.pdf Annex 8a-National Standard Indicator Framework.pdf Annex 8b-National Standard Indicator Framework.pdf Annex 9 Reconciled Schedule of Domestic Arrears.pdf Annex 10 Allocated Domestic Arrears in Budget for FY 2016.17.pdf Annex 11 Central and Local Govt Reporting Cycle.pdf Annex 12 Key Pronouncements in the Budget Speech FY 2016.17.pdf Annex 13 Funds Allocation for REcruitment of Tertiary Employees, PHC, Agric Workers.pdf Annex 14 Irregular Recruitment of Staff Without Authorisation.pdf Annex 15 Verified Pensiion and Gratuity Arrears.pdf