Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
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Document Type Financial Year Download
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2012/13 PDF icon Annual Perfomance Report 2012-13_Education_MUBS.pdf
Approved Budget Estimates 2012/13 PDF icon Approved Budget Estimates 2012-13_Agriculture_Uganda Cotton Development Organisation.pdf
Local Government Performance Reports 2012/13 PDF icon LG Budget Performance_201213_Q3_Alebtong.pdf
Local Government Budget Estimates 2012/13 PDF icon LG_Budget estimates_201213_ Lira.pdf
Circulars and Instructions 2012/13 PDF icon FY 2012-13 2ND BCC.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2012/13 PDF icon Half Year Performance Report 2012-13_Kabale Referral Hospital.pdf
Local Government Performance Reports 2012/13 PDF icon LGPerformance_201213_Q2_Sironko.pdf
Local Government Budget Estimates 2012/13 PDF icon LG_Budget estimates_201213_ Kabarole.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2012/13 PDF icon Annual Perfomance Report 2012-13_Water and Enviroment_Ministry of Water and Enviroment.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2012/13 PDF icon Half Year Performance Report 2012-13_Uganda Aids Commission.pdf
Local Government Performance Reports 2012/13 PDF icon LG Budget Performance_201213_Q3_Luuka.pdf
Local Government Budget Estimates 2012/13 PDF icon LG_Budget estimates_201213_ Ngora.pdf
Sector Budget Performance Summary 2011/12 PDF icon Sector Summary ABPR 2011-12_Accountability.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Health_Mulago Hospital Complex.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Accountability_Auditor General.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Public Administration_Missions Abroad.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Health_Jinja Refferal Hospital.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Accountability_KCCA.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Works and Transport_Uganda National Road Authority.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_DPP.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Agriculture_Dairy Development Authority.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Law Reform Commission.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Health_Uganda Cancer Institute.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Education_Education Service Commission.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Security_Ministry of Defence.pdf
Sector Budget Performance Summary 2011/12 PDF icon Sector Summary ABPR 2011-12_Agriculture.pdf
National Budget Monitoring Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Q2 BMAU 2011-12 Report.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Health_National Medical Stores.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Accountability_Ethics and Intergrity.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Health_Kabale Referral Hospital.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Accountability_Ministry of Finance and Economic Devel.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Works and Transport_Ministry of Works and Transport.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Judicial Service Commission.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Agriculture_KCCA.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Min of Internal affairs.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Health_Uganda Heart Institute.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Education_Makerere University.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Water and Environment_MWE.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Security_Office of the President.pdf
Sector Budget Performance Summary 2011/12 PDF icon Sector Summary ABPR 2011-12_Education.pdf
National Budget Monitoring Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Q3 BMAU 2011-12 Report.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Health_UBTS.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Accountability_Inspectorate of Government.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Health_KCCA.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Accountability_PPDA.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Judiciary.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Agriculture_Ministry of Agriculture animal and Fisheries.pdf
Approved Budget Estimates 2011/12 PDF icon Approved Estimates 2011-12.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Information and Communications Technology_MICT.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Education_Gulu University.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Social Development_KCCA.pdf
Sector Budget Performance Summary 2011/12 PDF icon Sector Summary ABPR 2011-12_Interest Payments.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Health_Uganda AIDS Commission.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Accountability_Ministry of Finance and Economic planning.pdf
National Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon ABPR FY 2011-12.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Health_Lira Refferal Hospital.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Accountability_Uganda Bureau Of Statistics.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Law Development Centre.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Agriculture_NAADS SECRETARIATE.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_National Citizenship and Immigration Control.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order _URSB.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Education_KCCA.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Social Development_MGLSD.pdf
Sector Budget Performance Summary 2011/12 PDF icon Sector Summary ABPR 2011-12_Information and Communications Technology.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Health_Uganda Cancer Institute.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Health_Masaka Refferal Hospital.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Accountability_URA.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Public Administration_Office of the President.pdf
Approved Budget Estimates 2011/12 PDF icon Approved Budget Estimates 2011-12_Accountability_Auditor General.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Agriculture_NARO.pdf
National Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon National Budget Framework Paper 2011-12.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Uganda Human Rights Commission.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_DPP.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Education_Kyambogo University.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Education_Makerere University Business School.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Tourism, Trade and Industry_MTIC.pdf
Sector Budget Performance Summary 2011/12 PDF icon Sector Summary ABPR 2011-12_Energy and Mineral Development.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Health_Uganda Heart Institute.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Health_Mbale Refferal Hospital.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Agriculture_Dairy Development Authority.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Public Sector Management_KCCA.pdf
National Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Semi Annual BPR 11-12.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Works and Transport_Uganda National Road Authority.pdf
Public Investment Plan 2011/12 PDF icon Public Investment Plan FY 2011_12 .pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Agriculture_Uganda Coffee Development Authority.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Uganda Police Force.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Judicial Service Commission.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Judiciary.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Education_MES.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Tourism, Trade and Industry_UIRI.pdf
Sector Budget Performance Summary 2011/12 PDF icon Sector Summary ABPR 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Framework Paper 2011/12 PDF icon BFP 2011-12_Information and Communications Technology_Ministry of Information and Communications Technology.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Health_Mbarara Refferal Hospital.pdf
Ministerial Policy Statements 2011/12 PDF icon MPS 2011-12_Agriculture_KCCA.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Works and Transport_Ministry of Works and Transport.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Agriculture_Uganda Cotton Development Organistion.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Uganda prison.pdf
Spending Agency Budget Performance Reports 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Performance Report 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Uganda RegistrationService Bureau.pdf
Annual Workplans 2011/12 PDF icon Annual Workplan 2011-12_Justice, Law and Order_Law Development Centre.pdf